Jessica is a full-time talent crafting voice-overs that are bright, upbeat, smart and contemporary. She epitomizes everything you want in an American sound and NOTHING you don't. Highly-directable and a good listener, you'll get the read you want quickly so you can get on with things. She's always an actress first, so you can give her that subtle, nuanced copy that you're pretty sure nobody is going to get. Crazy-reliable, she's that delightful right-left brain combo of creative, yet organized. Jessica voices for commercials, corporate narration, medical narration, IVR/phone hold, explainer, eLearning, kids' books and documentary film. She can self-direct or is happy to be directed live in her personal studio. Her most recent clients include Adidas, United Airlines, Takeda, Mayo Clinic, The Aurora Highlands, NatureMade, FirstBank of Colorado, Bobo's Oat Bars, Securitas, Performance Brands, Numerica, Faunalytics and Hotshot Software. She lives in Boulder, Colorado USA and with her husband, three sons and four backyard hens: Muffinhead, Mrs. Chuggsalot, Elaine and Freckles.
I have a sweet room-in-room build in my home for ultimate convenience and quick turnaround. Hard-wired internet; Townsend Labs Sphere L22 microphone; Adobe Audition; Mac Mini; Apollo Duo interface. I use an outside editor for fast turnaround of long-form projects. My studio is Source Connect Certified and I'm also available via ISDN, ipDTL, Google Meet, Zoom, Teams, string and cans or anything else you can dream up.